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About Skipwith Baptist Church

Skipwith Baptist Church embraces the vision of being a church on mission together as fellow ministers of Christ, utilizing the diversity of gifts that God has given to every Christian.

The Bible is our source of guidance and divinely inspired truth. We value the importance of Bible study and growing together in our mutual spiritual journey through a program of Bible study for all ages.

Skipwith Baptist values the cooperative support of missions and ministries by actively participating in giving to support missionaries and ministries through cooperative work of the Virginia Baptist General Association, The Richmond Baptist Association, The Southern Baptist Convention and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Opportunities for mission education and involvement are supported through our Women on Mission Groups, Mission Kids, Skipwith Parham Road Ministerial Alliance, Homebound Ministries, Skipwith Baptist Food Pantry and Special Missions Projects. We warmly welcome everyone who seeks to serve Christ and to experience a relationship with God in a fellowship of those who desire to be led by the Holy Spirit and directed by the teaching of Jesus.

Our worship services offer an opportunity to praise God, celebrate his presence and seek his guidance through prayer and proclamation of His word. We value worship as an integral part of our spiritual growth.

Skipwith Baptist offers a dynamic music ministry. Special musical presentations at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter are highlights of our music ministry. Other musical groups are formed at special times as our children and youth participate in our worship services.

Skipwith Baptist maintains an active Senior Adult Ministry with regular Senior Adult Luncheons and trips. Young adults can find a place at Skipwith through small group Bible studies and special activities designed especially for young adults.

We value our ministry to youth and children at Skipwith Baptist. Bible study, youth worship, recreation, mission projects and other special events for youth provide an exciting place to meet friends and enjoy being a part of our church. We encourage our youth to become involved in the total life of the church.

We believe that children should feel loved and affirmed. Our teachers and leaders give attention to each child and seek to encourage each one in the development of a positive understanding of God’s love. We offer a special time in each worthip service for our children and children’s church to enrich their experience. Events such as Fun Day at Church, Vacation Bible School, special trips and other children’s events are great times for children to learn about God’s love.

Believing that the Bible is God’s holy, inspired Word, Skipwith Baptist offers Bible study for all ages through our Sunday School and Wednesday evening programs.

At Skipwith everyone has an opportunity to worship, serve and grow in relationship with God and service to others.

We invite you to prayerfully consider becoming part of the family of God at Skipwith Baptist.